Top 5 Tips on How To Choose a Malaysia App Developer

Top 5 Tips on How To Choose a Malaysia App Developer
February 26, 2019 (Tue)  |  By Valse  |  In User Guides and Tips

Today technology evolves at such a stunning phase, businesses in Malaysia are embracing the use of digital solutions more than ever. From CRMs to ERPs, IoT to Blockchain, well planned and implemented web and mobile apps have become the cornerstone and center of many marketing campaigns and business operations. To a large extent, it determines the success or failure of the digital strategies of a business.

From ideation to launch, an app development lifecycle is rather complex, and sometimes uncessarily complicated. In these situations, the app developer (individual or team) hired plays the crucial role of simplifying the development process without compromising the quality and standards of the developed app.

Morever, as most business owners later realize, an app is a long-term commitment. An app has to be updated at all times, monitored and managed accordingly to ensure that users get the best out of it. On top of content, security and performance of an app is an essential part of user experience of the intended users.

When left unattended, the app can be stagnant and redundant to its target audience. Imagine customers launching an app for the latest news dated many years ago? Or when the app no longer works partially due to iOS and Android updates that are required but the app is not updated?

This severely undermines the effort and time the business owner have invested into the planning, development and marketing of the app. Maintenance of the app is the best and least costly way to protect this investment. And more likely than not, the app developer who built this app is the best person (or team) to maintain and manage this app post-launch.

That is why it is important to choose a good app developer, someone who you can work with on a long term basis who will help you to make the best out of building an app. Business owners need to recruit app developers who understand the mid-term tactical and long-term strategic objectives of their business, and helps the business to achieve its intended goals. It is never a one-off project; it's a lasting partnership where the app developer ensures your app is optimal and working for you.

Okay. So why Malaysia?

App developers in Malaysia are unique for many reasons. Malaysians in general can communicate effectively in several languages and their dialects. In a society of many ethnicity and cultural backgrounds, Malaysians are also generally more innovative in brainstorming solutions to conventional problems or challenges. Last but not least, the cost of development is still relatively affordable compared to Western counterparts.

Now, let's dive into the top five tips on how to choose a good Malaysia app developer.

1. Friendly and Approachable

Since it is a long-term working relationship, choose someone who is friendly and approachable to ensure that communication is easy during the whole project duration. Choose an app developer who is willing to meet up with you when required, who answers your phone calls and replies your email. This is important to ensure that every time you face a problem with your website or app, the app developer is always ready to assist you.

2. A Good Listener

An app developer who takes time to listen and understand your needs is one who cares for your business. If he/she spends time to assess your business model and understand your business operations, this shows that they are passionate about their job. Passionate people work with enthuasism, which can be translated to their work. How do you judge if they are a good listener? Talk with them, ask them questions and listen if they answer your enquiries accordingly.

3. Good Track Record

With passion and good personality, the next thing to find out is if the app developer is skilled and experienced to complete the task. Request to have a look at their portfolio. Check out the websites and apps which they have worked on. Ask them for customer reference and check them out. Talk with people who have worked with them before. If you like what you see and what you hear, that means the app developer is one that fits the bill for you!

4. Prioritize Your Business

App developers should place your business first, technology next. Web and mobile apps should be built with commercial goals in mind. The best technologies can only enhance an already successful business model or process, not replace it. If the app developer does his/her best to workaround technology to fit your business processes and needs, you have found a winner.

5. Practical and Resourceful

Having an app developer who looks for practical solutions and is resourceful is always a great advantage to you. These people are problem solvers, providing simple (and sometimes unorthodox) solutions to business challenges that comes with the use of the web or app. 


In all fairness, the above list is not exhaustive. But we do find that the qualities above are the ones where many business owners we know appreciate.

Remember, working with a good app developer is vital to ensure that your web and mobile app is well developed, managed and running at all times. A well-maintained app reflects your brand positively, keeps you at the top of the business and enables you to be ahead of competition. Ultimately, choosing the right app developer makes all the difference.